Author - Speaker - Entrepreneur
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Author - Speaker - Entrepreneur
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Speaking Engagement Bookings
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Name *Email *Phone *Date of the speaking engagement?Is it virtual?What is the speaking topic?Number of employeesAre you a non for profit or charity?Save the date, sheila brown black her story
Feb 2024
Buffalo ny/atlanta georgia
-this conference is for over achiever who already have there business off the ground and are looking to build over a million dollars a year
- stay tuned for full details
Media on Entrepreneurship
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For the 29 Years of Preparation Contest!
"Congratulations Sheila for all the Beautiful Things that you do and are apart of. I truly Love and appreciate you. Continue to Speak it into Existence and Continue on the Path that God is Paving for You....Peace and Love.. Lisa."
"Hey Sheila, it’s me, Buddy, still so amazed at the success the Lord has bestowed upon you. You’ve come so far from the little girl at 74 Blaine. I’ve written my first children’s book and would like suggestions from you as to how to best promote it in the Buffalo / WNY area. The name of the book is Eli Conquers the Coronavirus, and is available on Amazon/Kindle through both e-book and paperback. Hope to hear from you soon...tell Sharon I said hello and that I often think about her...hope all is well with her...#StaySafe #MaskUp"
I am interested in writing a book and coming to your class . Please lmk when the next season begins. Thank you 😊
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